Friday, 16 October 2015


Just a place to post up my drawings and observations.  Currently mainly Double stars.

So, first post is a direct copy of a post I made on the  the pembs astro forum.

An opportunity presented itself last night and I actually made the most of it, setting up at 10pm after a days work isn't really typical of me I must admit, but anyway, I went for it.

After searching out and observing some rather uninspiring doubles, I aimed the scope at Brocchi's cluster AKA the coathanger, and checking on the map I saw a couple of Struve doubles within the group (actually there are three, but the first one was obscure)

I made a sketch of this last two pairs though because they were both in the same field of view and are of some interest as they are to be found within the vicinity of the two stars on the right of the asterism (left for some of course due to the inverted image I get) but anyway, as you can see, i ringed the two marker stars, these are the two brightest stars in the image, listed as magnitudes 6.8 and 6.3 (68 63)).

Two pictures, one without annotations, the other with. The annotations show the magnitudes of the stars (i.e. 64 is 6.4 104 is 10.4 no decimal dots present as they could be mistaken for stars!) also each pair is identified.

as the coathanger is so well known, these stars make an ideal target for anyone wishing to have a shot as a fairly challenging pair, not so much because of the separation, but the faintness of the stars increases to difficulty.

Anyway, here are the sketches. As usual I have reworked the originals in photoshop, but the star positions are exactly as I drew them, so they may be a little inaccurate comapared to the real field, but they wont be far out.

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